Exploring by Keywords Expenditure
Showing results 1 to 20 of 117
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Date | Title | Type | View |
Jun-1955 | Appropriation Accounts (Defence Services), 1951-52 and 1952-53: Vol. II-Appendices | Financial Committees | View... |
Apr-1958 | Appropriation Accounts (Railways), 1954-55 and Audit Report 1956: Vol. I | Financial Committees | View... |
Sep-1961 | Appropriation Accounts (Post and Telegraphs), 1959-60 and Audit Report, 1961 | Financial Committees | View... |
Dec-1961 | Audit Report on the Accounts of the Damodar Valley Corporation for the year 1959-60: Vol. I | Financial Committees | View... |
Dec-1961 | Audit Report on the Accounts of the Damodar Valley Corporation for the year 1959-60: Vol. II Appendices | Financial Committees | View... |
Apr-1965 | Finance Accounts of Central Government, 1962-63 - Chapter I of Audit Report (Civil), 1964 | Financial Committees | View... |
Feb-1966 | Appropriation Accounts (P and T), 1963-64 and Audit Report (P and T), 1965 | Financial Committees | View... |
Apr-1966 | Appropriation Accounts (Defence Services), 1963-64 and Audit Report (Defence Services), 1965 | Financial Committees | View... |
Jan-1969 | Paragraph 41 of Audit Report (Civil), 1968, relating to the Ministry of Home Affairs re: Avoidable Expenditure | Financial Committees | View... |
28-Apr-1969 | Action taken by Government on the Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee contained in their 71st Report (Third Lok Sabha) on the Appropriation Accounts (Defence services), 1964-65 and Audit Report (Defence services) 1966 | Financial Committees | View... |
Jan-1970 | Action taken by Government on the Recommendations of The Public Accounts Committee contained in their 41st Report Fourth Lok Sabha on Para 41 of Audit Report (Civil) 1968 relating to the Ministry of Home Affairs Regarding Avoidable Expenditure | Financial Committees | View... |
1-Nov-1976 | Regularisation of Contingency and Advances: Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs): Action taken by Government on the Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee contained in their 222nd Report (Fifth Lok Sabha) | Financial Committees | View... |
Sep-1977 | Relief of Distress Caused by Natural Calamities: Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure): Supplementary Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 1973-74, (Part I), Union Government (Civil) | Financial Committees | View... |
15-Nov-1977 | Excesses over Voted Grants and Charged Appropriations: Excess Expenditure over Voted Grants and Charged Appropriations disclosed in the Appropriation Accounts for the year 1975-76 and Action taken by Government on the Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee contained in their 227th Report (Fifth Lok Sabha) on Excesses over Voted Grants and Charged Appropriations for the year 1974-75 | Financial Committees | View... |
13-Dec-1977 | Delays in Furnishing Action taken Notes: Action taken by Government on the Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee contained in their 220th Report (Fifth Lok Sabha) | Financial Committees | View... |
19-Dec-1977 | Incorrect Grant of Export Incentives: Department of Revenue: Paragraph 20 (a) of the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 1973-74, Union Government (Civil) Revenue Receipts, Volume II, Direct Taxes relating to Incorrect Grant of Export Incentives | Financial Committees | View... |
Jun-1983 | National Malaria Eradication Programme: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: Para 7 of the Advance Report of the CAG of India for the year I980-81, Union Govt. (Civil) | Financial Committees | View... |
23-Apr-1990 | Allocation under Plan Expenditure in Maharashtra | Part 1(Questions And Answers) | View... |
30-Apr-1990 | Expenditure Incurred on Pakistan P.O.Ws. | Part 1(Questions And Answers) | View... |
7-May-1990 | Expenditure on Festivals | Part 1(Questions And Answers) | View... |