Exploring by Keywords Expenditure Control
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Date | Title | Type | View |
Apr-1959 | Appropriation Accounts (Defence Services) 1955-56 and Audit Report, 1957, Vol 1: Report | Financial Committees | View... |
Apr-1959 | Appropriation Accounts (Defence Services), 1955-56 and Audit Report, 1957, Vol 2: Appendices | Financial Committees | View... |
Apr-1959 | Excesses Over Voted Grants/Charged Appropriation disclosed in the (i) Appropriation Accounts (Defence Services), 1955-56 (ii) Audit Report (Defence Services), 1958 (iii) Appropriation Accounts (Civil), 1956-57 and Audit Report, 1958 and (iv) Appropriation Accounts of the Government of Delhi for the Year 1956-57 (1st April 1956 to 31st October 1956) and Audit Report, 1958 | Financial Committees | View... |