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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4067  next >
14-Mar-1985Conference for Elimination of CorruptionPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
14-Mar-1985Employment of Liaison Officers by Large Industrial HousesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
14-Mar-1985Introduction of Five Day Working Week in Central Government OfficesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
14-Mar-1985Guidelines on Administrative ReformsPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
10-Apr-1985Promotional Avenues for I.P.S. OfficersPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
10-Apr-1985Promotion of Non-Select List Section Officers as Under SecretariesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
10-Apr-1985Inclusion of Officers in Select Lists for Grade I of Central Secretariat ServicePart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
10-Apr-1985Inclusion of Chemical Engineering Subjects in I.AS. and Engineering Services ExaminationsPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
10-Apr-1985Modification of Service Rules to Avoid DelayPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Uniformity in upper age limit for Recruitment in Central aod State Government ServicesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Representation of SC/ST officers in all Indian/Central/Group 'A' ServicesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Implementation of Recommendations of Management StudiesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Formation of New All India ServicePart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985PTO/LTC Facilities to Retired Government ServantsPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Rules for Grant of Recognition to Service Unions/AssociationsPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Development of MahabalipuramPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Counter Verification of Candidates for Recruitment to Central ServicesPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Report of the Committee on Introduction of Modern Office Machines and EquipmentsPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
17-Apr-1985Reservation of posts of Stenographers/Typists for womenPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...
24-Apr-1985Declaration of Ugadi-Telugu New Year Day as a Public Holiday in Andhra PradeshPart 1(Questions And Answers)View...