
The Lok Sabha Secretariat brings out several publications for the information needs of the members of Parliament. These publications, delineating diverse aspects of Parliamentary activities, give the readers, an insight into the operational dynamics and nuances of the functioning of Parliament. This collection provides knowledge creation of the data generated by the Indian Parliament in the form of books, etc.



Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 285
Oct-1990P. Govinda MenonBooksView...
Oct-1990Bhupesh GuptaBooksView...
Aug-1990Pandit Nilakantha DasBooksView...
Aug-1990Pandit Nilakantha Das (Hindi)BooksView...
Jun-1990Dr. Syama Prasad MookerjeeBooksView...
Jun-1990Dr. Lanka SundaramBooksView...
Jun-1990Dr. Lanka Sundaram (Hindi)BooksView...
Mar-1990Ram Manohar Lohia (Hindi)BooksView...
Mar-1990Ram Manohar LohiaBooksView...
1990Jawaharlal Nehru : His Life, Work and Legacy (Hindi)BooksView...
1990The Constitution and the Constituent Assembly : Some Select SpeechesBooksView...
1990Jawaharlal Nehru : His Life, Work and LegacyBooksView...
1989Dada Saheb Mavalankar : Father of Lok Sabha (Hindi)BooksView...
1989Dada Saheb Mavalankar : Father of Lok SabhaBooksView...
1989Maulana Abul Kalam AzadBooksView...
1987Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers : Eighth Conference, New Delhi, 6-8 January 1986 - ProceedingsBooksView...
1986Nehru and ParliamentBooksView...
Jul-1985Whos Who : Eighth Lok SabhaBooksView...
Jan-1985Parliament of India : Seventh Lok Sabha 1980-84BooksView...
May-1980Whos Who : Seventh Lok SabhaBooksView...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 285