Lok Sabha Bulletin II

Parliamentary Bulletin Part II contains items of general interest to Members. It is published in inter-session as well as during session period. The digitized copies of Bulletin Part II, are being made available here since July, 2023 onward. The remaining previous bulletins will also be made available in due course of time.



Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 954
15-Mar-2024Shifting of Centralised Pass Issue Cell (CPIC) and Reception Office-PHLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
15-Mar-2024Extension of validity period of MP Parking Labels 2023 issued to Hon ble MPs of 17th Lok Sabha upto 31.05.2024Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
13-Mar-2024Status of Dues/No Dues of Members of 17th Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
13-Mar-2024Arrest and Release of Shri Ve. VaithilingamLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
11-Mar-2024Death of sitting member of Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
7-Mar-2024Arrest and Release of Shri Ananth Kumar HegdeLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
6-Mar-2024Arrest and Remand of Shri Ravneet SinghLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
5-Mar-2024Soft Launch of Food App Sansad Cafeteria in Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
29-Feb-2024Arrest and Release of Smt. Locket ChatterjeeLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
26-Feb-2024Presentation of the 124th to 138th Reports of Public Accounts Committee (2023-24)Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
23-Feb-2024Birth Anniversary of Shri Morarji DesaiLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
22-Feb-2024Status of Dues/No Dues of Members of 17th Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
21-Feb-2024Invitation of Articles for Hindi e-magazine Sansadiya Manjusha Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
19-Feb-2024Statutory Orders laid on the Table of Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
16-Feb-2024President s MessageLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
15-Feb-2024Prorogation of Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
12-Feb-2024Progress of Bills during the week @ended on Saturday, the 10th February, 2024Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
12-Feb-2024Nomination of a Member of Rajya Sabha to the Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of ParliamentLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
12-Feb-2024Nomination of Member of Rajya Sabha to the Standing CommitteeLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
10-Feb-2024Lok Sabha Adjourned SINE DIELok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 954