Lok Sabha Bulletin II

Parliamentary Bulletin Part II contains items of general interest to Members. It is published in inter-session as well as during session period. The digitized copies of Bulletin Part II, are being made available here since July, 2023 onward. The remaining previous bulletins will also be made available in due course of time.



Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 954
8-Feb-2024Release of the Publication Indian Parliamentary Companion: Members of Constituent Assembly, Provisional Parliament and First to Seventeenth Lok Sabha'Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Distribution of Literature, Pamphlets, Press Notes, Leaflets within the precincts of the Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Secured high speed Wi-Fi facility for Members of Parliament in Parliament House of IndiaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Restrictions on admission into Lobby of the Lok Sabha during the SessionLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Distribution of Group Photograph of Members of Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Entry regulations into the Central Hall, Samvidhan SadanLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Carrying or Display of Fire Arms in Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024 Vividhta ka Amrit Mahotsav at Rashtrapati BhavanLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Security Arrangements in Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Functioning of Slip Road for entry into Parliament Building from TKR-IIILok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Stoppage of entry of Armed Escorts/ P.S.O. coming to Parliament House EstateLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Regulation of Vehicular Entry in Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Ferry car services for Hon'ble MembersLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Speed regulation of vehicles entering Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Restriction of Exit for pedestrians through Iron Gate No.1Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Access Control of VehiclesLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Switching off the mobile phones and alarm bell inside Lok Sabha ChamberLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Entry Regulations in the Sansad BhavanLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Guidelines for Members to familiarize with the operation of Security Gadgets in Parliament House ComplexLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Feb-2024Issue of Visitors Gallery Passes During Session PeriodLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 954